Administrator's Guide to Manual Rostering for the First Time

The following guide is for those with super-administrator access to MathFactLab school/district accounts that do integrate with Clever or ClassLink.

This guide will show you how to import .csv files in order to add/update schools, classes, sub-admin, teacher and student accounts.

Some of the tasks explained in this guide may also be carried out by sub-administrators. Click here to get a better understanding of the various permissions for our three educator roles: Super-admin, Sub-Admin, and Teacher.

  1. If your students and/or staff use an email domain that is different in any way from yours (for example instead of, please let us know so that we can add it to your allowed domains.
  2. As our Bulk Upload Tool is brand new, it's possible that you may find an aspect of it not working as expected. If this is the case, please reach out to, and we'll aim to resolve the issue as soon as we can.

Note: Please inform teachers and sub-admins that if they currently have a MathFactLab teacher plan account associated with their school email address, they will need to delete it before accepting their school/district account invitation. This help doc will show them how.

Table of Contents

Overview of the MathFactLab Bulk Upload Tool

Our Bulk Upload Tool allows you to:

  • Delete existing schools, classes, staff and students
  • Create new schools and classes
  • Create new accounts for both staff and students
  • Modify the school and class that students and staff are assigned to
  • Assign new and existing students and staff to new or existing schools and classes

Our Bulk Upload Tool does not allow you to:

  • Change usernames or email addresses of staff or students. These need to be done individually.

Step 1: Download Staff and Student .CSV File Templates

To begin the bulk upload process, you'll first need to download our CSV file templates. To do this:

  1. Select the Schools tab.
  2. Click Bulk Upload Tool on the upper right.

This opens up the Bulk Upload Tool.

  1. Click Download staff.csv and save the file.
  2. Click Download student.csv and save the file.

Step 2: Prepare Staff CSV File for Uploading

Ensure that each organization (school or class) is spelled exactly the same way each time it is entered into your .csv files or additional unwanted organizations will be created.

For example, if in your .csv files you have written the same school in two ways (such as Kennedy School and KennedySchool), this will create two separate schools.

Below are details for each of the columns in the Staff .csv file.

  • Column A: First name
    • Required for teachers and sub-admins.
  • Column B: Last name
    • Required for teachers and sub-admins.
  • Column C: Email address
    • Required for teachers and sub-admins.
    • Any email entered in this column needs to exactly match one of the allowed domains associated with your school district. For example, if your domain is the email will be accepted but will not be accepted.
  • Column D: School Name(s)
    • Required for teachers and sub-admins.
    • Both teachers and sub-admins can be assigned to more than one school.
    • Separate each school listed with a comma.
  • Column E: Class Name(s)
    • Required for teachers only.
    • Leave blank for sub-admins.
    • Separate each class listed with a comma.
    • Your class names should be unique or more than one teacher will be associated with the same class. Avoid generic class names like "1st Period Math."
  • Column F: Access
    • Required for teachers and sub-admins.
    • Enter 'admin' or 'teacher'.
    • Pay attention to spelling.
  • No additional columns should be added to the staff .csv file.

Note: If you need another super-admin account, reach out to, and we will create the additional super-admin account. If more than one super-admin is creating accounts for teachers and students coordinate your efforts to avoid confusion caused by multiple uploads of the same data.

Important: Save this spreadsheet as a .csv (comma-separated) file.

Step 3: Prepare the Student CSV File for Uploading

Below are details for each of the columns in the Student .csv file.

  • Column A: School name
    • Required
    • Students can only be assigned to one school.
    • Verify that you are using the exact same spelling for the schools in this column that you are using for all your CSV uploads. "Maple Street School" and "Maple Grade School" will be entered as two different schools.
  • Column B: Class name
    • Required
    • Students can only be assigned to one class.
    • Verify that the spelling of the class names match the spelling used on your staff CSV file. "Mr. Smith's Class" is seen as a different class than Mr. Smith Class". They will be treated as two separate classes
  • Column C: First name
    • Required
    • This can be the student's actual first name, but it could also be an initial, alias or code that could be used to identify the student.
  • Column D: Last name
    • Required
    • This can be the student's actual first name, but it could also be an initial, alias or code that could be used to identify the student.
  • Column E: Username
    • Optional
    • If left blank, a username will be automatically generated for the student. Typically, this is the student's first initial and last name.
    • Students need to have unique usernames within your school/district account.
    • Usernames should not have blanks, hyphens or special characters.
    • If your students have school-based Google email accounts and you would like them to be able to log in with Google SSO, enter their school email address (their Google Workspace Username) as their username.
  • Column F: Password
    • Optional
    • If left blank, a password will be generated automatically for the student.
    • Student passwords need to have at least six characters.
    • For security, if you are assigning passwords, avoid the practice of giving all the students the same password.
  • Column G: Learning Mode
    • Optional
    • MathFactLab offers two Learning Modes: Addition/Subtraction and Multiplication Division
    • Enter 0 or leave blank to assign students to Addition/Subtraction.
    • Enter 1 to assign students to Multiplication/Division.
    • Most likely, first through third-grade teachers will want their students assigned to Addition/Subtraction to begin the year.
    • You may wish to check with teachers for fourth grade and up regarding the beginning assignment.
    • It is worth knowing that teachers can change these assignments very easily using the Group Edit tool.
  • No additional columns should be added to the student .csv file.

Important: Save this spreadsheet as a .csv (comma-separated) file.

Upload CSV Files

When you have completed and saved both the Staff and the Student CSV files, you are ready to upload them.

  1. Open the Bulk Upload Tool.
  2. Click the 'Upload Staff CSV' button.
  3. Once uploaded, the name of the Staff .csv file will appear below the button.
  4. Click the 'Upload Student CSV' button
  5. Once uploaded, the name of the Staff .csv file will appear below the button.
  6. If you have both the staff and students .csv files uploaded, you are ready to click 'Review'.
    1. Note: These .csv files can be loaded independently.

If you wish to delete an uploaded .csv file, hover over the .csv file name and click the delete icon.

Step 4: Review Upload Details, Make Modifications and Fix Errors

The Bulk Upload Tool allows you to review and make changes to the details that you have uploaded in the following order:

  • Review Schools
  • Review Classes
  • Review Sub-Admins
  • Review Teachers
  • Review Students

Correcting Mistakes

When reviewing data, you can make edits by clicking on the field or make deletions by clicking the delete icon. For example, in the screenshot below, Kennedy School has been written two different ways, creating an unwanted school. This unwanted school can be deleted.

Or in this example, clicking on the class named Davidson 4 makes it editable, allowing you to give it a different name or correct a spelling mistake.

As you work your way through these steps, if there are more items on any step than will fit on the page, use the numbers or arrows at the bottom of the page to see and review all the items.

Working through the Steps

By clicking 'Next', you will work your way through the review steps of the Bulk Upload Tool

After you've reviewed your data step by step, and corrected any errors, you will arrive at the 'Import Data to MathFactLab' step in the process. Hit the 'Import Data' button. You will then see a message at the top of the screen explaining that you will receive a notification email when the import has been completed. This email typically arrives within an hour or two. After receiving this email, you may need to refresh your screen in MathFactLab in order to see the changes to your staff, students, classes, etc.