Adding Sub-Administrators
This article is for super-administrators who would like to manually add a sub-administrator to the account.
This option is also available for Clever and ClassLink accounts and may be useful, as it provides a means of adding sub-administrators outside of Clever or ClassLink.
About Sub-Administrator Permissions
- Sub-admin access is limited to the school(s) assigned to the sub-admin.
- Within assigned schools, sub-admins have all the same permissions as super-admins.
- Teachers given sub-admin accounts can access their class(es) from the Classes dropdown at the top of the Students tab.
- Sub-admins cannot add schools or other sub-admins to the account.
- To learn more about sub-admin permissions, click here.
How to Manually Create a Sub-Administrator Account
Note: If you have a manually-rostered school/district account and wish to add a sub-admin who already has a teacher account, please delete that teacher account first.
- Go to the Sub-Admins tab.
- Click the green 'Add Sub-Admins +' button.
- Enter the new sub-admin's details: last name, first name, and email address.
- Select the school(s) that you would like the sub-admin to have access to.
- Click the 'Add Sub-Admin' button in the top right.
- The sub-admin will receive an email invitation. Once accepted, the invited individual will have sub-admin access.
- If the invitation needs to be resent, super-administrators can do this from the Sub-Admins tab.