Adding a Co-Teacher to a Class

This article is for super-administrators and sub-administrators of school or district accounts who would like to manually assign a co-teacher to a class. Schools and districts integrated with ClassLink or Clever should make this adjustment through their SIS.

Multiple teachers may be assigned to a single class. Each teacher may be assigned to multiple classes.

  1. Click on the Teachers tab.
  2. Click on the green editing pencil of the teacher you wish to make a co-teacher for a class. This will open the "Edit Teacher" window.

  3. Select the checkbox(es) for the classes where you want this teacher to be the co-teacher.
  4. Choosing the "Select All" checkbox will assign the teacher to all current classes.
  5. Click the green Save button when you have finished.

Repeat these steps if you wish to designate other co-teachers.

Teachers can be removed from one or more classes by removing the checkmarks next to those classes in the teacher edit window. Remember to Save.

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