How to Import Students with .csv File

If you have a lot of students to add, importing by .csv may be the best method for you to add students to MathFactLab.  

1) Before beginning this process, make sure that you have already created all the classes you will need.  Make note of each class' class code.

2) Go to the Students tab and hover over the green + in the top right corner.  Select 'Import Student List' from the dropdown.  See the image below:

3) When you select 'Import Student List,' you will be shown the below popup:

On it, click 'Download'.  The document you are downloading is an Excel spreadsheet.  Save it wherever on your computer that makes the most sense to you.  

4) Open the downloaded spreadsheet.  It will look like the below image: 

Note that two example students have been provided.  Make sure to erase these sample students before you begin.  Also, note that the first three columns are required.  The latter three columns are optional.

5) Enter your student data into the spreadsheet.  Make sure to use the class code(s) that you generated when creating a class (or more).  Note that if you are entering passwords for students that they must be at least 5 characters in length.  If the learning mode column is left blank, the student will be enrolled initially in the multiplication/division learning mode.

6) When you have completed your entries, save the spreadsheet as a .csv file.  

7) To upload the file click in the upload section of the popup.  If the popup is closed, just reopen it again by selecting 'Import Student List'.   You then just need to select the .csv spreadsheet that you saved.  

If uploading many students, it may take a couple of minutes.

8) After that, any students that you imported with the .csv file should be listed in the Students tab of the teacher dashboard.  If you're not seeing the students you just added, make sure that you have selected the appropriate class from the classes dropdown at the top of the teacher dashboard.  Hitting refresh might also be necessary.