Testimonials from MathFactLab Users

Below, are some of the messages we've received from educators regarding MathFactLab. Click here to contribute your own testimonial.

Professor Jo Boaler, Stanford University Graduate School of Education

I looked at your new site and I love it.  A really great use of visuals and important mathematical strategies.  I will keep it in mind when people ask me for good sites.

Susan, Fourth-Grade Math and Science

I think the program is the BEST one I have ever used for helping my kids develop conceptual understanding of math facts and acquire mastery!!  My students really enjoy the program as well.  I think it is FABULOUS that the program offers visual supports, combines the inverse operations, and progresses sequentially in difficulty and cognitive demand.  Most programs focus on single operation at a time. Seeing the connection between addition and subtraction and multiplication and division and learning those facts simultaneously is so very beneficial!!!!  Thank you for all your work and genius in creating this tool to help our kids.

Same Teacher, One Year Later

We have used MathFactLab this year in 3rd and 4th grade and it has brought A LOT of success to our kids! We LOVE it. We may be your biggest cheerleaders for the product…. We tell everyone how great it is (and unique).  It truly is the BEST program out there to help students develop math facts along with concept development and strong reasoning. There truly is nothing else that compares. And believe me I have searched (33 years teaching).

Terri, Fourth-Grade Teacher, Pennsylvania

My fourth-grade team used your program this year. We have been AMAZED by the results and absolutely feel that our students have benefitted immensely. It has been an awesome addition to our math intervention time.

Christine, Third-Grade Teacher

Math Fact Lab is easy to use, motivating for students and best of all uses strategy-based learning to teach fact fluency.  As a third-grade teacher I can differentiate for all my students.  Whether they need to still work on their addition facts, or they are ready for division facts Math Fact Lab is a great resource to help students achieve fact fluency.

Anthony, Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Australia

We are a single-stream school in regional Australia and I wanted to write and say a massive thank you for creating the product you have. Our students have been growing so fast with their number facts that we have all agreed as a staff to commit to daily use of Math Fact Lab in addition to our daily reviews and core maths lessons.

Joshua, Secondary Special Education Mathematics Coach

I just finished a staff training on numeracy for secondary students. I am on the verge of tears over how amazing of a resource you have here aligned to some of the best research on student success. Thank you thank you thank you so so much for what you are doing and please do not stop!

Stephanie, Third-Grade Teacher, Tennessee

Thank you for creating a website that connects the models to the equations - This is perfect for new multiplication and division learners. I've been teaching third grade for over 20 years, and this website is the absolute BEST!! Thank you so much.

Amy, Seventh-Grade Teacher, Michigan

This has been an incredible help for my 7th-grade students who need strategies for mastering basic facts. Having a variety of strategies to use and practice has made a huge difference.

Thank you so much for MathFactLab! It is a game changer.

Sixth-Grade Student

I LOVE MATH FACT LAB it has helped me so much to learn my basic math facts! and math fact lab has helped me so much! TYSM my 6th grade teacher actually got me into math fact lab and it has helped me so so much to learn those basic facts.

Mary, Fourth-Grade Teacher, Connecticut

Good Morning, I have absolutely LOVED your website! I found it back in the Fall and I was instrumental in bringing it to my district. The growth my students have shown is astounding! They use it every morning and actually really enjoy it. Giving them so many opportunities to use a variety of strategies has been the key to this success.

Patricia, Fifth-Grade Teacher, Georgia

Just so you know I love MathFactLab. I used it last year with my 5th-grade students and saw so much growth in their fluency and use of strategies throughout my math block.

Amy, Math Tutor, Texas

I am a career math specialist who now runs a math resource website while continuing to privately tutor and teach small group math classes. The most common question I get from parents is how to help their children learn their math facts! When I work with middle school and high school students who never learned their facts, they are slowed way down on their upper level math and make mistakes in their calculations.

When I first heard about Math Fact Lab, I tried it out with students ranging from 1st grade all the way to 10th grade. I was so impressed with the visual representations and strategy based practice. Unlike other fact practice sites, the kids don't complain about this one. More importantly, they learn their facts! 

Math Fact Lab is now the only fact practice site I recommend, and I have recommended it to more people than I can count!

Heidi, Sixth-Grade Math Teacher, MA

I just wanted to thank the creator of this program! I am using Mathfactlab daily in the classroom. My lowest of learners are benefiting from it and so are my high fliers. I can't thank you enough for this. I have been looking for this program for years. Please be sure to thank the teacher who created this!

Amanda, Math Specialist/Interventionist, Kansas

We love how easy MathFactLab is to use! We know that all of our students don't learn the same way so we appreciate that there are so many different ways for students to practice their facts. I love that subtraction and addition are taught in cohesion as they should be! Our students are becoming goal setters and detectives to figure out what they need to do to unlock the Level Lifter. I had a 2nd grader say to me "I know my accuracy is high so now I just need to work on getting faster!" In my 13 years of teaching, I've never had a student self-diagnose what they need to do to improve! As a teacher, I can easily track my students progress and celebrate milestones. There are several options that help me make adjustments to help students who are not progressing like others. We have piloted the use of MathFactLab with our 2nd graders and we have seen many successes! We hope to share this with the whole staff for next school year!

Erin, Math Curriculum Coordinator, Missouri

I think you have an amazing website and I am excited to get our 2nd graders started with the program.  It is one of the only fluency sites that I have seen that truly focuses on building a conceptual understanding of math facts vs just memorization.

Kathryn, Third-Grade Teacher

Hello! I co-teach 40 third graders with another teacher and we recently launched MFL. We absolutely love what we're experiencing so far! Thank you for making this program available! Our kids say they love that there are a variety of strategies used and taught, there is more color than the other fluency program we used, they feel more supported in that they have more time to solve the problems, and this program does not just automatically provide the answer. We're in love!  

Janine, Third-Grade Teacher, Illinois

Thanks for the information and quick response! A few celebrations for your fact fluency program- I like that you introduce new facts in a logical order, as opposed to x1, x2, x3... I like all the different models and strategies. I like that multiplication and division is worked on at the same time. I like that you have thought of students with processing issues and that you give the teacher the ability to adjust time and whoopsies for individual students. I like the concept of "level up" as opposed to "testing". I am having to play with it to make it work for some of my students, but I think it is a great way to practice for fluency, flexibility and accuracy with math facts. Thanks for creating Math Fact Lab 🙂

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