Adding Individual Students to Manually Rostered Accounts

This article is for admins of manually rostered accounts who wish to add students individually. If you have large numbers of students to roster, that is better done via CSV file upload.

The below method allows for Google SSO if desired.

To add an individual student to your account, please do the following:

  1. ​Go to the Students tab.
  2. Hover over the green + button in the top right.
  3. Select 'Add Single Student'. This will open the 'New Student' popup.

  1. Enter the student's name.  
  2. If you would like the student to log in with Google SSO, enter the student's email address as their username.  
  3. A password will be auto-generated. You can change this if you wish, but it must be at least five characters. A password is needed even if the student will be logging in with Google SSO or a QR code. Do not use the student's actual Google password. We do not want that shared with us.
  4. Select the student's class and learning mode.
  5. Make sure to hit 'Add Student' when done.  

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