A Guide to Manual Rostering without Using CSV Files

The following guide is for administrators of school or district accounts that are not integrated with ClassLink or Clever who do not wish to roster their staff and students via .csv files.

This guide explains ways that you can individually roster staff and students. It also explains our copy-and-paste method for quickly adding classes of student.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Add School(s)

Step 2: Add Sub-Administrators

Step 3: Create Classes

Step 4: Add Students

Step 5: Add Teachers

Additional Points

Step 1: Add School(s)

The first step in setting up your account is to create a school or multiple schools. Classes are organized by school.

To add a school:

  1. Click the Schools icon on the left.
  2. Here, you will add the names of any schools that will have access to this account.
  3. Click the 'Add School' button in the top right of the Schools tab.

  1. You will then be able to enter your first school's name.
      • Note: This is for your use only, so do not feel you have to use the full name of the school. For example, 'Kennedy' may be a fine substitute for John F. Kennedy Elementary School.

  1. Repeat Steps 3 & 4 until you have entered all the schools that you require.

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Step 2: Add Sub-Administrators

Please note the following about sub-administrator accounts:

  • You can create as many or as few sub-admins for your account as you wish.
  • Sub-admins can be assigned access to only specific schools or all schools within your account.
  • Sub-admins cannot add schools, classes or other sub-admins.
  • To learn more about sub-admin permissions, click here.

To Enter Sub-Admins Manually:

  1. Select the Sub-Admins tab.
  2. Click the 'Add Sub-Admins +' button. This will open the 'New Sub-Admin' Screen.

  1. Enter the sub-admin's name and email.
  2. From the School List, select the school(s) that the sub-admin will be given access to.
  3. Click 'Add Sub-Admin' in the top right.

  1. The new sub-admin will be sent an email invitation to join the account.
  2. Repeat the above steps to add more sub-admins.

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Step 3: Create Classes

In MathFactLab, students are organized by class.

When creating classes, please keep the following in mind:

  • Classes are organized within schools.
  • Only admins can create classes.
  • All students within the account must be assigned to exactly one class.
  • As MathFactLab does not ask for student grade levels, if you wish to be able to sort by grade, we suggest adding the grade level to the class name.
    • For example, Mrs. Smith's first-grade class could be called 'Grade 1 Smith'.
  • MathFactLab 'classes' do not need to exactly match the actual classes in your school(s).
    • For example, some teachers who teach multiple classes may find it easier if all students from these classes are combined into one MathFactLab class.
  • We suggest using shorter class names such as 'Johnson' instead of 'Mrs. Johnson's Class', as shorter names are tidier on the admin dashboard.

To Create Classes Manually:

  1. Select the 'Classes' tab.
  2. Click the 'Add Class +' button in the top right.

  1. This will open up the 'New Class' popup.
  2. Enter the class name.
  3. Select the school to which this class will be assigned.
  4. Click 'Add Class'.

  1. Repeat the above steps to add more classes.

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Step 4: Add Students

Before rostering students, you may wish to find out from teachers whether they would like their students to start on addition/subtraction or multiplication/division. (This can, of course, easily be changed later on.)

To Add a Group of Students by Copying and Pasting:

  1. Select the 'Students' tab.
  2. Hover over the green '+' button in the top right.
  3. Select 'Add Multiple Students.'

  1. This will take you to a four-step popup which will walk you through the process of copying and pasting in class lists.

To Add Students Individually:

  1. Select the 'Students' tab.
  2. Hover over the green '+' button in the top right.
  3. Select 'Add Single Student'.

  1. This will open up the 'New Student' popup.
  2. Enter the student's last and first names.
  3. The program will auto-generate a username and password for the student, these can be overridden by entering your preferred credentials in these fields.
  4. Under 'Class code', select the class to which the student will be assigned.
  5. Select the student's learning mode: either Addition/Subtraction or Multiplication/Division.
  6. Make sure to hit 'Add Student' at the top right when done.

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Step 5: Add Teachers

Please note the following concerning teacher accounts:

  • Teachers will receive an account invitation email immediately after they are uploaded into the system, so you may wish to hold off on completing this step until after teachers have been told to expect the account invitation.
  • Individual teachers can be assigned to as many or as few classes as necessary.
  • Teachers can be assigned to classes in multiple schools within one MathFactLab account.
  • As teacher account logins require email addresses, if a teacher wishes to have access to a second MathFactLab account, they will need to use a different email address.
  • If a teacher already has a MathFactLab teacher account and accepts an invitation to a MathFactLab district/school account under the same email address as that of their teacher account, all data from the teacher account will be deleted upon their acceptance of the invitation. For this reason, we suggest that before accepting their invitation, teachers run reports for any data they wish to keep.
    • Note: This loss of data is clearly spelled out in red in the invitation teachers receive, but we still recommend giving them a heads-up first!
  • Teachers can be added manually or via .csv file.

To Add Teachers Manually:

  1. Select the 'Teachers' tab.
  2. Hover over the green 'Add Teacher +' button in the top right.
  3. Select 'Add Single Teacher'.

  1. This will open up the 'New Teacher' popup.
  2. Enter the teacher's details.
  3. Select the teacher's class(es) from the Class Code List.
  4. Click 'Add Teacher' at the top right.
  5. Repeat Steps 1 through 7 until you have entered all of your teachers.

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Additional Points

Professional Development

Account Invitations

  • After you've completed the above steps, sub-admins and teachers will need to accept their invitations. These invitations can be resent from your dashboard.

Login Cards

  • You can generate and print out login cards for teachers by clicking the 'Actions' button on the top right of the Students tab - or this is something teachers can do themselves. After that, students will be ready to log in and start practicing with MathFactLab.

Editing Student Settings

  • As an admin, you can also make all of the setting changes for individual students or for classes that are available to teachers. The 'Group Edit' feature on the Students tab can make this a very quick process.
  • By default, students will be assigned to addition/subtraction. However, students can start the program with multiplication/division instead.
    • You may wish to check in with teachers to see which learning mode they wish their students to begin with.
    • To switch an entire class from one learning mode to the other do the following:
      • Select the Students tab.
      • Choose the class from the Classes dropdown at the top.
      • Click the checkbox in the header row to select all students.
      • Click 'Group Edit'.
      • Select the appropriate learning mode for the class.
      • Click 'Save'.


  • Depending on the level of granularity you seek, you can monitor usage and progress from the Schools, Classes, or Students tab. Each of these allows you to download the tab's data by clicking the 'Actions' button and selecting 'Export CSV'.
  • These help docs may prove useful: Reports and Admin Reports.

Permissions by Role

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