Student(s) Cannot Log In

If you have a student who is struggling to log in, please check to see what error message is appearing below the student's login fields. This message will help you narrow down the cause of the problem.

"Incorrect email and/or password. Please double-check and try again."

This message indicates that something in the login credentials is not being entered correctly. We suggest:

  1. Try logging in yourself on your computer with the student's login card. First, make sure to log out of your account.
  2. Give the login card to a colleague and ask them to try.
  3. If the above steps don't work, please contact us, and we'll sort it out.

"Something went wrong. Please contact admin for assistance."

If you get this message, it most likely means the credentials are correct, but there is a system issue causing a login issue.

  • If most or all of your students are getting this message, this most likely means that your school or district has set up a firewall and it's blocking access to MathFactLab. In this case, ask your IT admin to whitelist www.mathfactlab and
  • If one or only a few students are receiving this message, try clearing the cache on the student's computer. This typically resolves the issue. This doc explains the steps for clearing the cache for several different systems.
  • In rare cases on iPads, the device may need to be wiped to resolve the issue.