How Students Are Logged off After the End of a Session

When a student's session time is up, the system logs them off only after they have completed the activity that they are on. This is to allow a student the opportunity to complete the activity that they are currently working on.

This could mean that a student may not actually be logged off until a few minutes later (particularly if they are working slowly).

If you need students to log off right away, and not wait until the program logs them off, know that if they are in the middle of an activity that won't be saved, but the rest of the work they completed during the session will be.

This is the same for Level Lifters. Their progress on the Level Lifter will not be saved. If you need a student to log off during a Level Lifter, the next time the student logs in, they will see that their Level Lifter is no longer unlocked. You can unlock it for them by following the steps in this guide.

With my own students, if I have a few still working when most of their classmates have been logged off, I'll often ask them just to log off, so we can move on to the next task.

I'm always looking for ways to improve the program, so I'm very happy for feedback around this or suggestions for a better way to end a session.

This article was written by Mike Kenny, Grade 5 Teacher, and Founder of MathFactLab.