Recommended Grade Level Range

We recommend MathFactLab for students from first grade through high school who need fact fluency practice, and as there is nothing 'kiddy' about MathFactLab, older students will feel as comfortable using the program as younger students.

For successful implementation of MathFactLab with first graders, we recommend the following:

  • Teachers and/or coaches are familiar with the tools available to differentiate the program, as our default settings may not be a good fit for many first graders.
  • Teachers monitor and provide support as students use the program.
  • Students already have a basic understanding of addition and subtraction.
  • Students have already had ample practice solving single-digit addition and subtraction problems with manipulatives
  • Students are familiar with at least some of the models they will encounter in the program, such as ten frames, number lines, rekenreks, and bar diagrams.

While some schools have had success using the program with kindergarteners, we do not recommend its usage with students of this age.