Deleting One or More Teachers

This document is for administrators of manually rostered accounts, not those that are integrated with ClassLink or Clever. Only account administrators can delete teachers.

If a teacher is deleted the data associated with that teacher will also be erased. The process of deleting a teacher can not be reversed but the teacher who was deleted can be added to the MathFactLab account again at any time.

Deleting a teacher does not delete the class or the students assigned to that teacher. No student data will be lost. The deleted teacher's class and students can be assigned to a different teacher.

To delete a single teacher:

  1. Click on the Teachers tab.
  2. Click on the trash can icon in the teacher's row and confirm this deletion in the pop-up window.

To delete multiple teachers:

  1. Select the teachers you wish to delete by clicking in their checkboxes.
  2. Click the Group Delete button and confirm these deletions in the pop-up window.

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