
MathFactLab Reports

There are multiple reports available to MathFactLab users. Click on the links below to learn more. (Note: All names below are of fictional students.)

Report Generator: Individual and Group Reports (Beta)Copy link

The Report Generator allows you to run two types of reports:
  • Individual Reports. These provide session-by-session detail on individual student progress.
A downloadable individual report, showing session-by-session activity and progress.
  • Group Reports. These provide a summary of progress for each individual in the selected group.
A downloadable group report showing a summary of progress for each student.
To open the Report Generator, click the Reports tab and select Report Generator.
To open the Report Generator, click 'Reports' and then select 'Report Generator'.

To run a report:

  1. Select the type of report: Individual or Group
  2. Choose a date or date range or create a custom one.
  3. Select individual students or all of them.
  4. Click 'Generate Report'.
Follow the listed steps to run the report of your choice.

VIDEO - Step by step instructions for using the Report Generator

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Growth Gauge (Beta) 

An example of a growth gauge showing a class' one-month progress in multiplication/division.

The Growth Gauge allows you to see a snapshot of the progress a class has made over a selected period of time.

To run a Growth Gauge report:

  1. Click the Reports tab on the teacher dashboard and select Growth Gauge.
To open the Growth Gauge, click Reports and then select 'Growth Gauge'.
  1. Select the 'To' and 'From' dates you would like for the report.
  2. Select a class.
  3. Choose a learning mode.
  4. Click Generate New Report.

  1. To download a .csv file of the Growth Gauge report, click the download icon just below the 'Generate New Report' button.

VIDEO - Step by step instructions for creating a Growth Gauge report

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Placement Test Reports

An individual student's placement test report.

Placement test reports provide question-by-question results from the placement test.

To find a student's placement test report:

  • Click on the 3-dots action button on the student's line of the students tab.
  • Select the placement test (add/sub or mult/div) that you would like.
Find a student's placement test results under their 3-dot actions button.

Each student response is color coded:

  • Green for correct and fluent
  • Yellow for correct but not yet fluent
  • Red for incorrect response.

Student response time is provided as well for each question.

Placement test reports are not yet downloadable. Making them so is on our to-do list.

VIDEO - Step by step instructions for creating a Placement Test report

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Level Lifter Reports

Level Lifter reports are formatted similarly to the Placement Test reports:

  • Green for correct and fluent
  • Yellow for correct but not yet fluent
  • Red for an incorrect response.
  • Student response time is provided for each question.

To find a report on the student's most recent Level Lifter, just click the letter of the student's current level.

Click the student's current level to see their most recent Level Lifter results.

Level Lifter reports are not yet downloadable. Making them so is on our to-do list.

VIDEO - Step by step instructions for creating a Level Lifter report

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Usage Stats/Daily Session Logs Individual Report 

This report provides a quick way to view a session-by-session record of student activity and progress.  

To see this report, click the Usage Stats icon (on the Students tab) to the far right of a student's name.    

Click a student's 'Usage Stats' icon for a daily log of their activity and progress.

This will reveal a log for each session that an individual student has completed.

Usage Stats: A daily log of a student's activity and progress.

VIDEO - Step by step instructions for creating a Daily Session Logs Individual Report

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Click-Student-Name Quick Summary Report

By clicking on an individual student's name on the Students tab, you can quickly see an overview of a student's progress and activity for either learning mode (+/- or x/÷):

A quick summary report for an individual student.

VIDEO - Step by step instructions for creating a Quick Summary Report

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.csv File

By click Export CSV under the Actions button on the Students tab you can download a .csv file of the information on the Students tab.

VIDEO - Step by step instructions for exporting a CSV file

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