Creating a Growth Gauge Report

The Growth Gauge Reports are currently in beta and we will continue to improve and refine their capabilities.

The Growth Gauge allows you to see a snapshot of the progress a class has made over a selected period of time and can be run for either the addition/subtraction or the multiplication/division learning mode.

The Growth Gauge is available on teacher accounts for monitoring their class(es), but on school/district accounts, admins can monitor growth across the school by selecting all classes.

A CSV file version of Growth Gauge reports can be downloaded.

All screenshots in this document and video depict fictional students.

The following video and screenshots depict using the Report Generator on an teacher's screen. An admin's screen would have the option to see the progress made by all students in a school.

Running a Growth Gauge report:

  1. Click the Reports tab on the teacher dashboard
  2. Select Growth Gauge.

  1. Select the 'To' and 'From' dates you would like for the report.
  2. Select a class.
  3. Choose a learning mode.
  4. Click 'Generate New Report'.
  5. To download a .csv file of the Growth Gauge report, click the download icon just below the 'Generate New Report' button.

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