Quick Summary Report

By clicking on an individual student's name on the Students tab, you can quickly see an overview of a student's progress and activity for either learning mode (addition/subtraction or multiplication/division.) For either learning mode you can view a student's starting and current levels and the total number of levels gained, sessions completed and minutes of practice.

All screenshots in this document and video depict fictional students.

To view a student's Quick Summary Report:

  1. Start on the Students tab.
  2. Click on either the Informative or Performance view.
  3. Use the search tools, if necessary, to locate the student(s) you want to want to check.
  4. Click on the student's name. This will reveal the student's Quick Summary Report.

  1. In the Quick Study Report pop-up switch between learning modes by clicking on the +/- x/÷ toggle switch.

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