Monitoring Individual Student Progress

There are several ways for teachers and administrators to check on the progress of an individual student.

All screenshots in this document and video depict fictional students.

Progress Snapshot

Clicking the student's name in the Students tab will give the teacher or administrator a clear snapshot of the student's progress.

  1. Start in the Student tab, in either the Informative or Performance view.
  2. Click on the student's name.

In the pop-up window...

  1. Both Learning Modes will be shown.
  2. The user can see the student's starting and current levels as well as the gains they have made.
  3. The starting dates, completed levels and minutes of practice are also shown.

The 'Initial' and 'Current' level columns in the Students Performance screen

This approach allows a teacher or administrator to see the level where a students began in the program and the level they are working at now. It also makes it possible to see the level where they were working at any earlier point in time. The screenshots below depict an administrator's dashboard.

  1. Start in the Student tab, in the Performance screen.
  2. Use the search tools to find the student(s) you want to check on, if necessary.
  3. After locating the student(s) check either or both of the learning mode columns, addition/subtraction and/or multiplication/division, and compare the their initial (or starting) levels with the levels they are currently working on.

To see a level other than the student's starting level in the first column:

  1. Click on the icon at the top of the 'Initial' column.
  2. Choose to see the level the student was at for one of the suggested times or use the 'Select date' option to choose a different date.

Student Progress Table

The student's progress table for either Learning Mode shows the level where the student is currently working relative to the adjacent levels in the MathFactLab program. It also show the number families and key mathematical focus of the current level. In these screenshots we are looking at a teacher's dashboard.

To see a student's progress table:

  1. Start in the Student tab.
  2. Go to the Performance screen.
  3. Use the available search tools to find students if they are helpful.
  4. Click on the ellipsis for the student you wish to examine.
  5. Choose the 'Progress table' for either Learning Mode. Progress tables will only appear in this list if the student has previously logged into the program and done some work in one of the Learning Modes.

An example of a student's progress table as seen from the teacher's dashboard.

Session Logs

This report provides a quick way for teachers and administrators to view a session-by-session record of an individual student's activity and progress. These reports can be downloaded as CSV or PDF files. The screenshots below depict a teacher's dashboard.

To see a Usage Stats/Daily Session Log report:

  1. Start on the Students tab.
  2. Click on the Performance view.
  3. Use the search tools, if necessary, to locate the student(s) you want to want to check.
  4. Click on the Usage Stats icon to the far right of a student's name.  

This will reveal a log for each session that an individual student has completed.

An example of one student's Daily Session logs report.
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