Level Lifter Interviews: An Alternative Means of Assessment

Some students, for a potential range of reasons, do not perform to their full potential on standard Level Lifters.  For them, we have built Level Lifter Interviews.  Level Lifter Interviews ask the same questions as a typical Level Lifter, but they are implemented by the teacher on the teacher's device and do not require any typing by the student.

You can give a student a Level Lifter Interview at any time.  The student does not need to unlock the Level Lifter first.  (Of course, we would recommend that the student completes the practice activities first, in order to better prepare themselves.)

To begin a student Level Lifter Interview, do the following: 

  1. Go to the Students tab on the teacher dashboard.
  2. Find the student who you wish to interview.
  3. Click the 3-dots action button on that student's row.  (You'll find this in the Actions column, just beside the edit button.)
  4. Select 'Level Lifter Interview'.   

The interview is similar to a typical Level Lifter with the following exceptions:

  • The student responds orally.
  • The teacher determines if the answer is acceptable (by hitting the spacebar) or not (by hitting any key).
  • Each section of the test can be ended at any point.
  • After both parts of the interview are completed, the student's Level Lifter report is displayed.  The teacher then determines if the student has passed, by hitting one of two buttons: 'Level up!' or 'Not yet.'