The Assign Button

Consider the Assign Button to be your flexible recorder of student usage. Simply turn it on, and it will maintain a count of the activities and sessions that each of your students complete.

Assignments can be used to monitor student usage during a lesson, overnight for homework monitoring, or over the course of a longer period of time, such as a week or a month. It's totally up to you how you use it.

Ending the assignment (by clicking the x) will clear the column, but data will be saved and available on reports. You'll be able to start a new assignment right away.

How to Use the Assign Button

To Begin an Assignment

  1. Select students by either:
    1. Clicking the box to the left of the Name header.
    2. Clicking the boxes of individual students.
  2. Click the 'Assign' Button. The button will turn blue, indicating that the assignment is active, and the word 'Assign' will become 'Assigned'.

The activity of all selected students will now be recorded. As students work on MathFactLab, you will see two numbers for each student in the Assigned column. The circled number on the left indicates completed activities. The number in the square on the right shows the number of completed activities. Hovering over these numbers provides further details.

Note: If you are not seeing these numbers update, just hit the refresh button.

Click the 'x' to the right of the Assigned button to end the assignment. This will clear the column, but data will be saved and available on reports. Start a new assignment whenever you're ready.

Assignments on Reports

Reports created by the Report Generator show details about completed assignments. 0/0 means that you have given zero assignments so far. A 3/4 for a student would indicate that you set 4 assignments during the period selected and the student has completed 3 of them.