Teaching Tools

Teaching Tools allows you to use MathFactLab as a means of delivering math fact instruction and practice to the whole class, to a small group or to individuals.  It's also a quick way to see what students are learning/practicing at any given level.  

This feature allows you to access and display all of the student strategies at any level.  To get started with Teaching Tools, click the 'Teaching Tools' tab on the teacher dashboard.  

In Teaching Tools, you will see that Addition/Subtraction Levels are listed first, followed by Multiplication/Division Levels.  

Select your preferred level.  As an example, we have selected Level H (x6).  Notice that it is very similar to a student dashboard except that it has three choices for the order that the questions will be displayed: Random, Numerical, and Student Mix.

Random and Numerical only display fact questions from the selected level.  Student Mix will begin with problems from the selected level, but - like with student activities - will then mix in problems from previous levels.  

Random Order is selected by default.

 When you select an activity, you will see that it looks very similar to what students typically see with three exceptions: Close, Back and Skip.  

'Close' will return you to the dashboard, Back returns you to the previous problem, and Skip moves you to the next problem.  

Like with the student version, you can respond to any of the prompts.  Hints will be provided if the response is incorrect or if the hint button is clicked.  

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