Placement Tests

MathFactLab's placement test consists of three components:

  • The warm-up
  • The first operation's assessment - either addition or multiplication
  • The second operation's assessment - either subtraction or division.

When students first log into MathFactLab, they're given the placement test, which determines the appropriate level for the student within the program and provides you - the teacher or parent -with baseline data about the student's initial math fact performance.

Important Points to Keep in Mind

  • The placement test is automatically given when students first log in.
  • The length of the placement varies depending on the fact knowledge of the student.
  • If a student does not complete a placement test in one sitting they will be taken back to approximately the same spot in the test when they next log in so they can complete the assessment.
  • If a students has difficulty reading the instructions they will be receiving during the placement test they can click on the speaker icon in the top left corner and the text will be read to them. This audio assist will only read the instructions, it will not read the math problems.
The text-to-speech option during the placement test may be turned on and off my clicking the speaker icon indicated in this screenshot.

The Warm-Up

After logging in for the first time, students are greeted with a welcome screen which - in four steps -briefly describes the program to the student.

The placement test begins with a warm-up. This has two purposes: one, to get the student ready for the assessment ahead, and two, to provide you with data concerning the student's typing speed and accuracy.

For this warm-up, students simply need to type the numbers that they see on the screen.

The First Operation's Assessment

When the warm-up is finished, students move on to the assessment for the first operation. That will either be addition or multiplication (depending on which learning mode you have assigned the student).

This first assessment asks a sample of math fact problems from each level within the program, starting with Level A and continuing consecutively through the levels, but stopping at the point when the problems begin to get too difficult.

At each level, students are allowed a couple of retakes in case they make typos. Please note that assessments are the only time when students see problems that are not accompanied with models and strategies.

The Second Operation's Assessment

When the student's first operation assessment is complete, they move on to the assessment for the second operation. This will either be subtraction or division. Again, students progress through a sample of questions from each level until the problems get too difficult for the student.

Note: As the stopping point of the placement test is based on student performance, you'll see that the amount of time students spend on the placement test can vary greatly.

Placement within the Program

Students are placed within the program based on their overall results on the placement test.

You can see the placement test report by clicking on the three-dots action button on the students line and selecting 'Placement Test'.

If you feel the placement test is inaccurate, you can either reassess the student by clicking 'Reassess' under the 3-dots action button or you can click the edit icon on the student's line and then select the level which you deem most appropriate for the student.

After the placement test is completed, students are shown a progress table and can see which level they are assigned to within the program. They see the levels of facts that they have demonstrated mastery in in green, the facts that they'll be focusing on in their current level in blue, and they see the levels ahead of them in grey.

Note, levels are grouped into stages.

If you would like a student to retake the placement test, this help doc will walk you through the steps. .

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