Turning Super-Advanced Level Lifters On and Off

This guide is for teachers and administrators looking to increase the challenge level in MathFactLab for students who are ready for more advanced material. It explains how to incorporate Level Lifter assessments into the Super-Advanced levels of the program. These levels, intended for students who have mastered their basic math facts, typically do not require Level Lifters as checkpoints to progress between levels. However, for students who successfully complete these advanced levels, enabling Level Lifters can provide an opportunity to work through these levels again and further demonstrate their proficiency.

This option may be turned on for an individual student or multiple students.

Please see our Super-Advanced Levels guide for further details about these challenging levels.

Turning on Super-Advanced Level Lifters for one student:

  1. Click on the Students Tab.
  2. Use the search tools at the top of the page to locate the student.
  3. In either the Informative or Performance versions of the page click on the green pencil icon to open the Edit Student window.

  4. At the bottom of this Edit Student window turn on the Super-Advanced Level Lifters toggle switch.
  5. Remember to click on the Save button.

Turning this feature off: If you want to turn the Super-Advanced Level Lifters off return to the Edit Student screen for that student and turn the Super-Advanced Level Lifters toggle switch off.

Turning on Super-Advanced Level Lifters for multiple students:

  1. Click on the Students Tab.
  2. Use the search tools at the top of the page to locate these students.
  3. Click in the checkboxes for each student.
  4. Click on the "Group Edit" button.

  5. Click on the Super-Advanced Level Lifters drop down menu and choose "On".
  6. Click on the Save button.

Turning this feature off: This featured can be turned off for individual students using the Student Edit window or for multiple students by using the same Group Edit option described above.

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