What’s the difference between the Informative and the Performance screens when looking at the Students tab?

In the MathFactLab program, the Informative and Performance screens under the Students tab serve different purposes in tracking and presenting student data.

Both Screens - Both screens give an administrator or a teacher access to the tools for editing an individual student's settings and the setting for multiple students. The 'Edit Student' icon is identical in both views but the location is different.

The Informative Screen

The Performance Screen

Other than the similarities shown above the two screens a quite different.

Informative Screen:

    • The Informative screen provides general information about a student's profile, including details such as the student's name, grade, class, login credentials and other relevant data.
    • In the 'Edit Student' window you can also see the student's current 'Learning Mode' and 'Level' as well as their current fluency and allowed errors settings.
This is an example of a Student Informative screen.

Performance Screen:

    • The Performance screen focuses on student progress.
    • On the Performance screen teachers and administrators can see any students current level as well as their level at any point in the past. Data is also available about all work sessions and Level Lifter and Placement Test performances.
    • Staff can also see a summary of student work reflected in the number of levels gained, sessions completed and minutes of practice.
    • The Performance screen also provides settings for unlocking Level Lifters and administering Level Lifters via an interview.
This is an example of a Student Performance screen.

In summary, the Informative screen is primarily focused on profile information and settings, while the Performance screen allows teachers and admins to see the progress a student has made in their math fact fluency.

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