Quick-Start Guide for ClassLink District Administrators

The following guide will help you to begin the process of setting up your district's or school's MathFactLab account with ClassLink integration.

  1. Share your ClassLink OneRoster data with MathFactLab.
    • In your Roster Server, using Rule-Based Permissions, filter the data down so that students are assigned to exactly one class each. Most likely this will be their homeroom or math class.
    • Here is ClassLink's help doc for this process: Adding Applications & Modifying Permissions.
  2. Schedule an onboarding call with us.
    • Please schedule an onboarding call with using this link: https://calendly.com/techsupport-mathfactlab/20min
    • On the call, we will provide you with your MathFactLab Administrator Account and ensure that everything is working as expected.
      • Note: If you already have a MathFactLab account under the email address that you provide us, it will deleted when your super-admin account is created. If you wish to keep the account, you can change the email address of record on it by clicking your profile in the top right.
  3. Add and assign the MathFactLab SSO app in the ClassLink Management Console.
    • After the call, when it's appropriate, you'll want to add and assign the MathFactLab app in the ClassLink Management Console.
    • Here is ClassLink's help doc for this process: Assigning and Managing Applications.

Points to Keep in Mind


  • Super-Admins do not log in via ClassLink. Super-Admins log in at app.mathfactlab.com using their email address and password or via Google SSO.


Editing Student Settings

  • As an admin, you can also make all of the setting changes for individual students or for classes that are available to teachers. The 'Group Edit' feature on the Students tab can make this a very quick process.
  • By default, students will be assigned to addition/subtraction. However, students can start the program with multiplication/division instead.
    • You may wish to check in with teachers to see which learning mode they wish their students to begin with.
    • This help doc will show you how to switch an entire class from one learning mode to the other.


  • Depending on the level of granularity you seek, you can monitor usage and progress from the Schools, Classes, or Students tab. Each of these allows you to download the tab's data by clicking the 'Actions' button and selecting 'Export CSV'.
  • These help docs may prove useful: Reports and Admin Reports.

Permissions by Role

How to Add Sub-Administrators Outside of ClassLink

Please note the following about sub-administrator accounts:

  • You can create as many or as few sub-admins for your account as you wish.
  • Sub-admins can be assigned access to only specific schools or all schools within your account.
  • Sub-admins cannot add schools, classes or other sub-admins.
  • Sub-Admins can be entered manually or imported via .csv file.

To Enter Sub-Admins Manually:

  1. Select the Sub-Admins tab.
  2. Hover over the 'Add Sub-Admins +' button and select 'Create Single Sub-Admin'. This will open the 'New Sub-Admin' Screen.

  1. Enter the sub-admin's name and email.
  2. Select the school(s) that the sub-admin will be given access to.
  3. Click 'Add Sub-Admin' in the top right.
  4. The new sub-admin will be sent an email invitation to join the account.
    • Note: If the sub-admin already has a MathFactLab account under the email address that you provide us, it will deleted when they accept their invitation. If they wish to keep the account, they can change the email address of record for the account by clicking their profile in the top right.
  5. Repeat the above steps to add more sub-admins.

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