Family Plan Step1: Creating Child Accounts

To begin using MathFactLab, your child(ren) will need their own student accounts. The following steps will show you how to create an account for your child.

  1. Make sure you are on the Students tab.
  2. Click the green + button in the top-right corner.

  1. Enter your child's first and last name.
  2. A username and password will be automatically generated. You can change these if you wish.

  1. A class code will be automatically generated for your family. Your child(ren) will need this to log into their accounts.
  2. MathFactLab offers two learning modes: Students either work on Addition/Subtraction or Multiplication/Division.  Select the learning mode that you would like your child to work on. 
    1. As learning multiplication facts requires fluency with addition facts, we recommend mastery of the basic addition facts before moving on to multiplication facts
  3. When you’ve made your selection, just click ‘Add Student’ on the top right and these details will be saved.   

The next step is to Generate a Login Card for your child.

Below is a gif of the process.

After you've created an account for your child(ren), you'll want to get their login card(s).