Family Plan Step 6: The Student Experience


After clicking 'Let's Get Started', students are brought to the student dashboard.  Here, the child will work on a series of activities and strategies.  Each selection will be accompanied by visual models to help your child better understand the math facts that they are working on. 

When all of the activities have been completed (green checkmarks in the corner of each), the ‘Level Lifter’ button unlocks, and your child can choose to take this assessment.  When students demonstrate sufficient ability with the facts learned at this level, they are promoted to the next level. If not yet ready, the child will be returned to the same level’s dashboard for additional practice.    

To unlock the Level Lifter again, students need to score 900 points on one activity from each operation. This means students can focus on the activities that work best for them.

While using MathFactLab, students spend most of their time practicing the application of math fact strategies using a variety of models.

Table of Contents

Length of Sessions

Practice sessions can be from 5 minutes to 20 minutes. This is determined by parent and can be adjusted by clicking the edit icon on the student's line on the Students tab of your dashboard.

Welcome Popup

Each time a student logs in, they are greeted by their progress table, which shows which level they are currently working on, which levels they have already mastered and which levels they will work through in the future. At each level, your child can see the individual fact family triangles that will need to be mastered at that level in the program.

Student Dashboard

The student dashboard is where students navigate to their activities within the program. As students have choice, it could also be considered a student 'menu'.

The student dashboard is made up of the following components:

  • Activity selection buttons, color-coded to indicate the mathematical operation (for example, addition or subtraction)
  • Requirements for unlocking the Level Lifter
  • 'See Your Level' button
  • The student's profile, from which they can log off if needed

Practice Activities

To unlock the Level Lifter assessment, students are typically required to complete all available activities on the dashboard. Each time they complete an activity, they'll earn a green checkmark in the top right-hand corner of the activity selection button (unless they are earning points - see below).

The student practice screen typically has five main parts:

  • The problem bar, where the problem is given in number and word form
  • The model bar, where the problem is represented visually
  • The strategy bar (multiplication/division only), where the strategy that the student is practicing is generalized
  • The hint button, where help is given to apply the strategy
  • Progress bar, which grows as the student works towards completion of the activity

Practice activities typically ask students about 20 to 30 problems.

Unlocking the Level Lifter

Students work through activities in order to unlock the Level Lifter. The Level Lifter button turns green when it is unlocked, allowing the student to proceed to the Level Lifter.

There are typically two main types of requirements for unlocking the Level Lifter:

  • Complete All Activities: This requirement is given when the student has not yet taken a Level Lifter assessment at their current level. When the student completes all of the activities, the Level Lifter will be unlocked.
  • Point Scoring: Students are required to earn 900 points in an activity of their choice for each operation. This requirement is given when a student has taken a Level Lifter at their current level but did not pass. The objective of this requirement is to allow the student to practice using their preferred activities and to help ensure that they will be more likely to pass the Level Lifter when they next take it. See Point Scoring for more details.

Click here to learn all about Level Lifters.