How to Change Student Fluency Rates

A student's 'Required fluency rate' is the number of seconds a student is allowed per response to be considered fluent.  Fluency rates can be set from 2 to 120 seconds per problem.  You can edit student fluency rates individually or as a group.

Editing an Individual Student's Fluency Rate

  1. Go to the Students tab and select the edit icon on the line of the student whose fluency rate you wish to edit. 

  2. You will be brought to the Edit Student screen.  Towards the bottom, you will see the Required Fluency Rate dropdown.  Click this and select the number of seconds that will be the student's new fluency rate. 

Editing the Fluency Rates of Multiple Students

  1. Go to the Students tab.  Click the checkbox of the students whose fluency rates you would like to change.  Click the top checkbox if you wish to change it for all students. 

  2. Click 'Group Edit' in the top right.  

  3. The Edit Student popup will appear.  The second option down is the Required Fluency Rate dropdown.  Click this and select the number of seconds that will be the new fluency rate for the selected students
