Teacher's Quick-Start Guide to Schoolwide Accounts

This article is intended for those with teacher accounts who are part of a schoolwide or district-wide account. Your administrator will do all student/class rostering for you, allowing you and your students to get started that much quicker.

If you are new to MathFactLab, spending a few minutes watching these brief videos will help you to quickly get a handle on the program:

The following steps will help you get MathFactLab up and running well within your classroom in no time:

Step 1: Login Cards (Not needed for ClassLink users)

Step 2: Group Edits

Step 3: Students Log in, Take Placement Test and Begin Program

Step 4: Monitoring Progress and Making Adjustments

Step 1: Login Cards

(Skip this step if your students are using ClassLink.)

Logging in for the first time will go much easier for students if they have login cards.

To generate login cards:

  1. Go to the Students tab.
  2. Click the 'Actions' button in the top right.
  3. Select 'Generate Login Cards'.

We recommend that you have students bookmark app.mathfactlab.com and have students allow their browsers to save their login credentials. While the first login may not be easy for all students, once passwords are saved and the site is bookmarked, subsequent ones should be completed with a couple of clicks.

Step 2: Group Edits

If you wish to make changes to all or many student settings at once, you'll want to use the 'Group Edit' tool. This tool allows you to change:

To make a group edit:

  1. Go to the Students tab.
  2. Either select students individually by clicking their checkboxes or click the checkbox in the header row to select all students.
  3. Click the 'Group Edit' button.

This help doc goes over group edits in greater detail.

Step 3: Students Log in, Take Placement Test, and Begin Program

Now it's time for your students to log in.

Provide them with their login cards and ask them to go to app.mathfactlab.com. ClassLink students will go to the ClassLink launchpad. Younger students will certainly need some help with this process, and it may be best to do this in small groups or individually. Once logged in, we suggest allowing the browser to save login credentials; this will make the process much easier next time. Bookmarking the site will also facilitate things.

When the students first log in, they will read through a very brief welcome, after which they will be given a placement test.

Once the placement test is complete, students will be assigned to a level within the program and will immediately begin working through activities at that level.

This video will give you a good understanding of the MathFactLab Student Experience.

Step 4: Monitoring Progress and Making Adjustments

Your teacher dashboard will allow you to keep track of your students' levels, activity, and progress. It will also allow you to make changes to settings to better meet individual student needs.

When you're ready to begin making settings adjustments to meet individual student needs, it will be well worth watching our video on differentiation:

  • To learn all about our reportsclick here.
  • This help doc covers the multiple differentiation tools available to you to better meet student needs.
  • This help doc will show you how to use MathFactLab for direct instruction.
  • Click here to see our entire portfolio of video tutorials.

We wish you and your students all the best with MathFactLab. Please be in touch with any questions, issues, or suggestions.